Centre for Advanced Studies of Thar Desert


Prof. Raja Ram Choyal



The Thar Desert of Rajasthan is known as Great Indian Desert is one of the most generic ecosystems in the world. It is distinguish from other deserts of the world having several manifestations embodies their uniqueness and distinguishedness. Thar Desert research center which was established in the year 2017 having so many challenges in various thrust area of this environment. The centre shall provide an opportunity to people from all sections of the society for better development in all aspects of life. Center has identified thrust areas that are of utmost importance for the holistic development of the people of Thar Desert, namely, ecology and environment, flora and fauna, climate, geography, natural resources, society, culture and religion, heritage, craft and cottages, health & education, traditional practices, agrarian economy, livelihood, impact of canals and modern agricultural practices etc. This shall be executed through studies, research and projects, seminars, symposiums, workshops, publications, policy analysis, etc. The Center will collaborate with various institutions and companies, possibly through educational and corporate houses. Our belief that people should be the custodian of environment and social heritage received unparallelly support from all sections of society.

Thrust Area of research.
  • Impact of modern agricultural practices on native flora and fauna of Thar Desert.
  • Socioeconomic and cultural impacts of canal irrigation on dwellers of Thar Desert.
  • Salinity and water logging problems due to canal irrigation.
  • Impact on climate change on environment of Thar Desert.
  • Importance of medicinal flora of Thar Desert and strategies for their conservation.
  • Opportunities and scopes of eco-tourism in Thar Desert.
  • Scope of renewable energy resources with special reference to solar and wind energy in Thar Desert.
  • Natural resource management and conservation
  • Awareness resource management and conservation
  • Microbial studies



To build responsive, sensitive, creative and thoughtful citizens in the region, with a comprehensive understanding of regional, national and international perspectives.


To strive towards the educational, cultural, economic, environmental and social advancement of the region and the nation at large, by providing excellent liberal education and quality programs to ensure sustainable development in the region.

  • To facilitate affordable quality education that enables the students acquire professional skills, adopt moral principles and develop a global perspective.
  • To work with commitment towards strengthening the four-fold fundamentals of higher education – teaching, research, extension and consultancy by initiating programs which integrate both national and international perspectives.
  • On the basis of USR University social responsibilities the principal of the inclusiveness should be incorporable by said center.
  • To strive on intensive research in University by addressing the issues related to the Thar region.


Objectives :

The Centre was established with following objectives:

  • To find out the gaps and deficits in current biodiversity assessment of particular region.
  • Study the trends in biodiversity changes in accordance with climate change and other consideration.
  • To discuss to discuss strategies for developing biodiversity research (institutions, funding and feasibilities).
  • To find out impacts of canal irrigation and modern agricultural practices on native flora and fauna of the region.
  • To study the socio-economic and cultural impacts of modernization in the Thar region.
  • To find out the opportunities to enhance eco-tourism in the region.
  • To enhance the social forestry practices in the region and aware the locals about its significance.
  • To facilitate programs aiming at capacity building for leadership and social service.
  • To establish a framework for uplifting the socio-economic status of residents of Thar desert.
  • To aware the residents of the Thar desert for Conservation of the natural resources.
  • To undertake research and consultancy on the challenges of the region including its rich historicity and folk culture, which add to the expertise of the community?
  • The center act as a data bank and gene pool for striving the characteristics of deserted landscape research and other purposes.

Work done:
  • Inventorization of native and non native flora and fauna of the region.
  • Preparation of digital herbarium pertaining to flora of Desert and also listing of not common native species of the region.
  • Impact of salinization on physico-chemical properties of soil and water of the region.

Future plans:
  • Mapping of natural resources through GIS application their effective management and sustainable development.
  • Work on sustainable livelihood and life style of deserted inhabitants by adaptation of capacity buildings majors.
  • Microbial studies pertaining to environmental sustainability

Budget Estimates (immediate requirement):
S.No. Heads Cost &(in rupees) Justification
1 Workshops/ National Seminars 2  Lacs Workshops/Seminar/Conference is integral part and regular research activities. It helps to generate awareness
2 Books(FieldGuides/Flora/Fuana/Reference) 3 Lacs Reference books, encyclopedia, flora of desert, biodiversity of Thar etc are important material for students/research and faculty member.
3 GPS, DSLR Camera, Lenses, Laptops 5 Lacs GPS, Camera(DSLR), Lances for camera, Laptops are required to collection, interpretation and storage of data for making effective presentation, tools
4 Herbarium 3 Lacs For keeping original plant s
5 vehicle with portable field equipments 20 Lacs Vehicle is very necessary to collect sample from different parts of the Desert. It will be equipped with various field instruments, which are required for data collection.
6 Printers Cartridges, Data Storage devices etc 2 Lacs Required for official work.
7 Miscellaneous 2 Lacs To meet the sundry requirements of the center this fund is required to meet the needs.
TOTAL 37 Lacs  

Infrastructure required for the center:
  • One laboratory (Size 30×60 feet)
  • One Museum (Size 30x 40Feet)
  • Room for the Director of the center (Size 20x 20Feet)
  • Room for the Deputy Director of the center (Size 20x 20Feet)
  • Herbarium (Size 30x 40Feet)
  • Office (two rooms of size 20x 20Feet)
  • Seminar cum meeting room (Size 30x 60Feet)
  • Computer room (Size 30x 20Feet)
  • Library (Size 30x 40Feet)
  • Facilities

Air conditioners:
  • For laboratory : 04
  • Directors Room : 01
  • Deputy Director Room : 01
  • Seminar cum meeting room : 03
  • Computer room : 02